Pelirroja by Grassroots
“Pelirroja’s cerebrally energized and uplifted euphoria are anchored by a mild, yet steady flow of relaxing physical effects.” STRAIN: Pelirroja MEDIUM: Flower POTENCY: Med-High […]
“Pelirroja’s cerebrally energized and uplifted euphoria are anchored by a mild, yet steady flow of relaxing physical effects.” STRAIN: Pelirroja MEDIUM: Flower POTENCY: Med-High […]
STRAIN: Phantom Cookies #5 PRODUCER: ForwardGro MEDIUM: Flower PURCHASED: Ethos (Mission*) Catonsville Medical Dispensary* INSTAGRAM: @missioncatonsville *Formerly Mission Catonsville Medical Dispensary, currently Ethos Catonsville […]
“(Tally Mon)..has a real mixture of Indica fuel and Sativa fire in this strain.” STRAIN: Tally Mon MEDIUM: Flower POTENCY: MED 21.1% (including THCa […]
“…although deeply sedative overall, include an increase in mental focus and uplifted euphoria from its Durban landrace roots.” STRAIN: OG Kush Breath aka OGKB […]
STRAIN: Santa Cruz Blue Dream MEDIUM: Flower POTENCY: Med-High (THCa 21.95 / THC0.69%) PRODUCER: Evermore CLASS: Sativa Dominant Hybrid * the indica-lean of this […]
STRAIN: Dosidos #22-22MEDIUM: FlowerPRODUCER: CultaCLASS: Indica dominant HybridPOTENCY: THCa 26.3% THC 0.6% CBGA 0.5% CBG 0.4% PURCHASED: Ethos (Mission*) Catonsville Medical Dispensary*INSTAGRAM: @missioncatonsville*Formerly Mission […]
“Afghani’s euphoric mental uplift is also accompanied by a good deal of enhanced focus.” STRAIN: Afghani PRODUCER: HMS Health PURCHASED: Ethos (Mission*) Catonsville Medical […]
STRAIN: Snow MonsterMEDIUM: FlowerPOTENCY: Med-High (THCa 19.7% THC 0.7%)PRODUCER: Strane / LibertyCLASS: Indica Dominant Indica/Sativa Hybrid PURCHASED: Ethos (Mission*) Catonsville Medical Dispensary*INSTAGRAM: @missioncatonsville*Formerly Mission […]
“Even at 19.58% THCa, there is a rapid onset of cerebral and physical effects that are quite elevating, relaxing, and euphoric.” STRAIN: Airborne SkunkMEDIUM: […]
STRAIN: Wedding CakePRODUCER: HarvestMEDIUM: FlowerPOTENCY: MED-high/THCa 23.95% THC .48%CLASS: Sativa/Indica LINEAGE: GSC X Cherry PieGSC=OG Kush x Durban PoisonCherry Pie= Durban Poison x Grandaddy […]