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Is glass the past? | Re-inventing “the bag” from lick-lock to zip-lock
You may have noticed that many cultivators are beginning to package their flower a bit differently these days. They seem to be exchanging their rigid, structured, and sometimes overly ornate glass and plastic packaging for ziplock bags when possible. This move toward the bag is most surely a response to rising costs across the board. In a cannabis market flush with product, will this translate into lower prices for patients or will it only serve to reduce overhead for the Cultivators?
It didn’t take me long to realize there just wasn’t a lot of consumer information on the web regarding locally produced strains in Maryland…and definitely not collected and grouped together in any sort of comprehensive way.
Maybe, just maybe, you would find a user-submitted review authored by someone in Maryland…maybe you would find two…but on the same site? regarding the same strain by the same Grower? Not a Chance.
The reviews were always in a completely different state…a completely different market and another grower’s version of the strain.
Of course, you can find most widely popular strains reviewed online through any number of cannabis dedicated sites.
However, there just weren’t any websites that had a consolidated and dedicated local source providing information about strains sold in Maryland that I could call “Home”…I had no “Go-To” resource…and neither did anyone else in Maryland with a card and a “need-to-know”.
Even when I did find some background info online through a site like Leafly, I would still find myself searching for reviews for or information about strains sold specifically in Maryland. It was difficult for me to differentiate between strains exclusive to Maryland, and those that were versions of generally known strains that may or not be re-named for the Maryland market. I’d be sitting in my car, outside the dispensary ( now fairly common) searching online and finding only generalized information on the strains I was seeing on the menu.
For instance, Grassroots has a strain called P Budder. I did not realize this was their name fo Puna Budder. It would have saved time but I might have changed my order… had I known that bit of info prior to visiting the dispensary.
And Companies like Curio with strains like DSCT and Verano with their G6 infused G-Line have strains unique to Maryland. And until this site began there was really no place to read about these strains aside from some social network threads.
So, I began to take notes on different strains and their effects. Initially, it was for my own personal consumer research. So, that when I returned to the dispensary, I was a little more knowledgeable.
However, I felt a need to share what I was discovering with others for the ultimate betterment of the MMCC community and the surrounding industry.
Through this website and my instagram page, I am attempting to help fill this void by reviewing strains, writing relevant articles,and sharing my experiences from the perspective of a Maryland MMCC card holder.
The more I am learning, documenting, and sharing, the more economical my visits to the dispensaries have become. And, the better I am at choosing strains that provide me with the effects I desire or require. So, it only makes sense to share with others and encourage them to contribute as well.
Because, ultimately, it leads to better products and practices from the industry at large.
Creating a Repository of Locally Sourced Strain Reviews of Locally Produced Cannabis...
All of this compiling of locally produced and marketed strains will, with some sustained effort, become a repository of sorts for MMCC holders in Maryland, and perhaps even beyond.
Creating a comprehensive repository of strain reviews from local sources would help allof us better target, and treat, our pain points and symptoms, as well as making our visits to the dispensary more worthwhile.
In The Future
Maryland Cannabis Reviews is doing our part to help err unwarranted negative stigma surrounding cannabis use has been driven by a nearsighted, fear based legislation and fueled by a biased media, resulting in a wholly misinformed public opinion.
In the future I hope that by offering an alternative, serious minded, earnest, viewpoint regarding cannabis strains, their usage and their social and medicinal worth on a local level, this blog will contribute to changing the narrative and ending the stigma.
Helping Newer Patients
I want this blog to act as a reference point and resource for MMCC card holders in Maryland.
I want to help others regarding topics not so easily understood standing at the dispensary counter, overwhelmed with choices…
One of the goals with this site is to help customers find what they are looking for and to give people the knowledge they need to be able to always find a substitute for any strain (regardless of what is and what isn’t in stock at any dispensary) based on the terpene and genetic profiles of different strains.
I want to help other prospective card holders navigate through the application process by offering things like an FAQ page, a simplified step by step instruction on how to begin the process, and more.
I will be adding a forum for others to offer their insight and opinions on reviews and other posts.
I must now continue my intensive field study of the best strains that Maryland has to offer. After all, they aren’t going to ingest themselves…are they?
Thanks for stopping by!
Let us know how we can improve the site, or what other sort of subject matter you would like to see. Come back soon.