Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Airborne Skunk by Evermore

"Even at 19.58% THCa, there is a rapid onset of cerebral and physical effects that are quite elevating, relaxing, and euphoric."

STRAIN: Airborne Skunk
MEDIUM: Flower
(19.58%THCa  / .17 D9 THC )
PRODUCER: Evermore
PURCHASED: Mission Catonsville Medical Dispensary  NOW ETHOS


CLASS: Indica Dominant Indica/Sativa Hybrid
LINEAGE: Airborne G13 X Basic Skunk

Airborne G13, or G13 as it’s sometimes called, has background of mystery and intrigue. Rumors and stories alluding to it being from a cut of a phenotype stolen from a government lab or as the story goes government “greenhouse #13” or “bay 13”.
Either way, this is clearly potent cannabis and its influence on Airborne Skunk seems apparent.
Mention of “G13 x Northern Lights #2 hybrid, the So Cal G13, the Louisiana G13 and the Pacific G13 cuttings” bring little illumination if any to the origins of this strain. Since only photographic evidence has ever been found, identifying the exact origin is impossible.

But many online sources suggest that “If they indeed contain the original G13 genes they are most likely related to one of the F1-hybrids created at the Seed Bank and not the original mother plant.”

TOP TERPENES for Airborne Skunk:
1. b-Myrcene 0.855% (euphoria /sedation)
2. a-Pinene 0.267% (anti-anxiety sometimes produced by thc)
3. Occimene 0.149% (anti-inflammatory/anti-congestant helps to expel phlegm)



small hairy bud of airborne skunk


Even at 19.58% THCa, there is a rapid onset of cerebral and physical effects that are quite elevating, relaxing, and euphoric.


  • +mental euphoria
  • +increased ability to focus
  • +potentially socially engaging: a slowing down of thoughts that precipitates a willingness to share them
  • +aural and visual amplification (G-13 genetics?)
  • +cerebrally stimulating


  • +feelings of physical euphoria
  • +sensation of body core-warming
  • +physically relaxing /muscular tension release
  • +/-light to medium cranial and facial pressure*
  • -Dry “COTTON” mouth*
  • -dry eyes*



  • Depression/ depressive thought cycling
  • Anxiety/Panic Disorder
  • Potentially useful for treating symptoms of IED Intermittent Explosive Disorder) and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)


  • Activities requiring patience and focus
  • Creatively pastimes/ activities
  • Making lists of things to do and actually doing them

"This makes Airborne Skunk a good choice for those who suffer from anxiety (temporary or long term) that want a cerebral uplift without any of the anxiousness like that often associated with high energy Sativa strains."


This strain is not only creamily sumptuous tasting, richly smoking, and extremely potent, it looks good as well.

Even though the 1/8 I purchased from Mission was mostly comprised of small rounded popcorn shaped buds, they were hard as a slab of granite, and cured to maximum fragrance and flavor.

The almost monochromatic light limey green color of the buds is deceptively tame but brilliantly highlighted by tons of rust red pistils/stigma/“hairs” that give the buds the appearance of being frozen ablaze on fire.
Trichome coverage is heavy and what the tiny crystals lack in size their glisten more than compensates.
Anyone who has tried any of Evermore’s strains knows that they’ve entered into serious flavor country.

Airborne Skunk is no different and the quality and richness of its smooth thick smoke is matched only by its extremely pleasing palette of flavor upon exhale. This is high quality flower even a bystander could discern and appreciate.


  • Sweet-generic creamy strawberry aroma
  • Fragrance- perfumey/incense (?) Wendy
  • Herbal- sage/ wild sage brush/ lavender and sage mixed
  • Fruit- berries
  • Skunk-sweet “skunk” overtones
  • Artificial- Juicy Fruit Gum -type aroma


  • Herbal- pepper
  • Diesel- Afghani-hash-like petrol fuel undertone (G13/ Hash plant genetics(?)
  • Herbal- pepper
  • Sweet -chocolate taste on exhale which is most likely stemming from the Afghani- hash taste

"The effects of Evermore’s Airborne Skunk are immediate and quite intense"

With a decent amount of b-Myrcene onboard you’re sure to feel Airborne Skunk easing muscle tension and creating a warm haze around your being.

The a-Pinene elevates mood while also counteracting any potential thc induced anxiety.

This makes Airborne Skunk a good choice for those who suffer from anxiety (temporary or long term) that want a cerebral uplift without any of the anxiousness like that often associated with high energy Sativa strains.

leaning conical bud of airborne skunk evermore cannabis

Airborne Skunk is a potent Indica dominant hybrid cross of the legendarily mysterious Airborne G13 X Basic Skunk, which offers a balanced cerebral and physical high that is both uplifting and inspiring as well as relaxing and stress relieving.

THE LONG WAY HOME (my toke…)

It’s a good thing that Airborne Skunk wasn’t the first Evermore strain I ever tried, or I may have never looked further at any of the others.
Needles to say, this may be my favorite offering from them since I reviewed their Blue Cookies Indica.

chunky bud of airborne skunk by evermore

The effects of Evermore’s Airborne Skunk are immediate and quite intense: I seriously began contemplating the effects of this strain before I even remembered to finish the first bowl I ignited.

The most notable trait of Airborne Skunk’s effects are their concurrent intensity: the cerebral and physical components occur at the exact same time and remain for the duration of the experience.

This is a fine quality in a hybrid this potent: its Indica genetics providing a relaxing base for the cerebral sativa effects to operate without anxiety or over-analysis which can sometimes cause the most cerebral of sativa strains to ironically stall productivity. The key with Airborne Skunk, is that the Indica and sativa effects simultaneously present themselves so you can feel the best of this combination from the onset until the high tapers off. This adds up to very enjoyably potent and balanced overall effect.

Airborne Skunk by Evermore is a winner strain for experienced smokers who want the best of classic sativa and Indica effects to be concurrently active and are able to ride that intense but balanced wave toward a more calm yet productive day.
5/5 Evermore

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