Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Jacked Up by SunMed Growers

STRAIN: Jacked Up
MEDIUM: Flower
(THCa 20.50/ THC 0.50%!!!)*
PRODUCER: SunMed Growers
CLASS: Sativa Dominant Hybrid
(60% sativa/40% indica)
PURCHASED: Mission, Catonsville
LINEAGE: Jack Herrer X TimeWreck
(Timewreck =Vortex x Blood Wreck
Jack Herrer =unknown but thought to be:
“Haze” x (Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk)

* Just like SunMed’s Lemon Skunk, we see a THCa level of medium high potency at 20.50% with a THC derived concentration of 0.50% can more potent than a strain with a higher THCa percentage but lower derived THC percentage. So, in short this is a very potent THC concentrated batch compared to a batch that would be 28%THCa and .10%THC.



  • Cerebral/ psychoactive
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Uplifting/ energizing
  • Relaxed physically

Provides an almost immediate and fairly classic cerebral “buzz” feeling which is coupled with some physical sensations beginning in the back of the neck and gradually moving to the temples and eyes. The psychoactive/ cerebral effect of Jacked Up is uplifting and invigorating.


+cerebral stimulation
+increased mental focus
+enhanced creativity
+inspires some introspective thought
possibly some paranoid/ self-consciousness at higher doses depending on the individual.


+some light pressure originating at the back of the neck and spreading to the head and temple area specifically
+inner body warming sensation
dry mouth at higher doses
/+ potential increased/elevated heart rate*
/+potentially self-conscious at higher doses

*patients with a low tolerance or a propensity for anxiety may find Jacked Up to be a little too intense. The high energy effects could potentially cause or exacerbate anxiety

USES (Medicinal & Recreational):

  • ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder
  • IED (intermittent Explosive Disorder)
  • Depression or depressive thought patterns


  • Creative endeavors
  • Outdoor activities (hiking, yard work, etc)
  • most any enjoyable activity at any point in the day will be enhanced by this strain.


bud of jacked up strain by sunmed growers


Jacked Up by SunMed is a majestic looking flower with medium to light green calyx tightly cured in what appears to be roils of blooms much like Cherry Gorilla by Verano.

There are elongated pinkish-light orange stigma randomly distributed and clumped in pockets and between leaf folds.

The trichome coverage is like a furry dusting rather than clumped chunky crystalline. Jacked Up has a very classic high-end look.


It seems that the 1/8 oz.(3.5 grams) I purchased was a bit shy of an 1/8. I weighed it 4 times just to be sure. It weighed in a t 3.4 grams instead of the standard 3.5 grams.

In the spirit of transparency I should note that of those 4 times, some of the results were 3.3. This kind of thing happens, just not that often. And I do think it is important for SunMed to be made aware of the fact that consumers care and are sometimes checking the score. Furthermore, it is not in any way the responsibility of the dispensary, especially these days amid Covid-19 and only selling pre-packed non-deli style flower.

jacked up by sunmed on the scale

This will not prevent me, and shouldn’t prevent you from purchasing this or any other SunMed flower.Anyway. Enough Said.


  • Sweet- candy cane/ lemon candy
  • Herbal- lemongrass
  • Fuel- diesel
  • Chem- lemon cleaner like Pledge


  • Sweet-artificial lemon
  • Fuel-diesel/hash
  • Earth-grass

Good For Bowls and Rolls:
This batch had huge cola-looking bud which dominated the 1/8 I purchased from Mission in Catonsville. It was a bit moist and I personally feel, better suited for bowls and vaping than rolling.
Although appearing somewhat crusty (especially in the photos) I would say, at least this batch, was rather moist and gummy once manipulated and broken down. This is not an especially negative attribute and I find that this provides a longer smoke and vape. However, it takes much more heat and fire to combust so use a clean bowl since you may accidentally heat up old resin from a previous session.


photo of jacked up by sunmed growers on top of bottle showing terpene and cannabinoid ingredients

The psychoactive effects are plentiful here with .26% Limonene and the muscle tension relief with .33% Myrcene. As with SunMed’s Lemon Skunk, it has been my experience that a batch Jacked Up with a THCa level of medium-high potency at 20% and with a THC derived concentration of 0.50%!! can be rather potent…In fact, it can be sometimes more potent than a strain with a higher THCa percentage but lower derived THC…Say a strain with 29% THCa and 0.10% THC. So, in short this is a very potent THC concentrated batch. Not to mention the terpene count being 2.61% this batch had some serious report. The .25 of Ocimene helped clear the chest which is a reassuring feeling these days. All in all, a very well rounded Sativa dominant hybrid.

Jacked Up by SunMed Growers is a high energy, cerebrally stimulating, and uplifting leaning heavily towards its Sativa genetics. However, in spite of its name and the high octane rush that its name attempts to describe, Jacked Up has a softer, more , and physically soothing strain , I found myself comparing Jacked Up to a few other high energy uplifting and mostly cerebral SunMed strains that I have had the fortune of trying such as Sunshine #4 and Lemon Skunk.

What it has in common is rooted in SunMed’s clear dedication to high end flower production. Jacked Up has that same high-end curb appeal with a little more energetic uplift.  

The Long Way Home (my toke…)

I am reminded of a diesel strain in NYC before it was even called that…when we used to just say “It smells like it was smuggled in a fuel tanker”. It’s definitely not the aroma, but more the feeling reminiscent of an unfocused diesel strain mixed with a higher energy Sativa like Jack Herrer.

Given the genetic heritage of Jacked Up it’s no surprise this feeling is conjured. This is also evident in the heavy hash-like exhale.  This strain is no joke; it is high octane and should be approached and dispensed accordingly. I personally love the effects of this strain most likely because of my predisposed fondness for Jack Herrer, which I regard as one of the BEST strains in existence.

There are definitely differences ,subtle and refined, between Jacked Up and their other Sativa heavy happy-euphoric inducting strains like Lemon Skunk and Sunshine#4.

Where it is similar to the euphoria offered by Sunshine#4 and Lemon Skunk, Jacked Up seems to present its first effects physically as a brittled and relatively enjoyable expectant nervousness which feels to emanate from the solar plexus/ sternum area of the chest. This tingling pressure and increased heart rate propel you quickly into the psychoactive wave of effects. It is not a creeper it is a reaper and one should be prepared to confront the fiery side of cannabis sativa.

The overall feeling is a rush and I wouldn’t say it is unlike some other less than healthy stimulants but veering more towards being over-caffeinated.  Depending on your disposition and whether or not you are an experienced or novice smoker with a decent or weak tolerance, this strain may, and most likely will, affect one differently or at least, at various places on the spectrum of “buzzed” and “trippy”

The focus that I find with Jack Herrer is most definitely present here and I would say it’s a decent substitute or facsimile for Jack Herrer. However, Jacked Up has its own special energetic uplift and euphoria probably doubly enhanced by its TimeWreck and Vortex genetics.


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