Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Raspberry Do-Si-Dos Modern Flower

Raspberry Do-si-dos
PRODUCER: Harvest / Modern Flower

MEDIUM: Flower
CLASS: structurally Indica /balanced cerebral-physical effects- Initial and lasting cerebral uplift and augmented focus leaning toward sedation with higher doses


Do-Si-Dos X Pink Champagne
Do-Si-Dos= GSC (Girl Scout Cookies) x Face Off OG
Pink Champagne= Cherry Pie x Grandaddy Purple

PURCHASED: Oceanside Dispensary 16 Magothy Beach RD., Pasadena, MD

CLASS: structurally Indica /balanced cerebral-physical effects

1. Beta-Myrcene 0.68%
2. Ocimene 0.33%
3. Limonene 0.23%
4. Alpha-Pinene 0.19%
5. Caryophyllene 0.18%



Raspberry Do-si-dos…Indica acts like a Sativa that is convinced it’s an Indica
A steep incline and drop off in the cerebral effects which could be jarring for some. This is attributable to the high levels of Pinene and Myrcene.

Bruce Banner ultimately can impart a stoney kush-like high overall with highlighted peaks of cerebral intensity sparking creativity and enhancing mental focus (most likely from the Diesel genetics )

However, Bruce Banner’s high tends to settle into a stoney high at higher levels of ingestion but not at the sacrifice of diminishing mental focus. This serene calm yet pinpoint-focused head space is quite conducive to crafting and creative endeavors as well as long investments of time in more vicarious pleasures such as watching movies etc.

Very much like a Florida Kush combined with a focus enhancing Diesel that keeps rolling down the tracks at a steady productive pace.


  • Very calming / calms nerves/ erases stress [STANDOUT EFFECT] +/++/+++
  • cerebrally uplifting+/++
  • Provides an increased ability to focus on detailed and repetitive tasks for extended periods of time+/++/+++[STANDOUT EFFECT]
  • Stimulates creativity and creative impulses+/++
  • Potentially Motivating+**
  • Sense of acute awareness and heightened perception (especially aurally and cognitively) ++/+++
  • Time dilation /distortion ++/+++
  • Stoney/ Head-Haze +++
  • Somewhat conversationally stimulating +/++
  • Heightened sense of humor  +/++

** lower micro doses can be motivating especially creatively adding an interesting tint to subjects but higher doses can have a less motivating stoney effect.
+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales


  • Inner warming sensation that hits neck but settles or orbits around the crown of the skull much like a strain of the Headband variety ++
  • light to medium cranial and facial pressure+-+++
  • Medium to high level of physical euphoria but rather an uplifted serenity ++
  • some increase in heart rate possible +++
  • appetite stimulation
  • Sedation and sleep inducing

+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales





Has the potential to help mitigate or alleviate symptoms related to, or caused by;

  • Anxiety
  • lack of sleep
  • lack of appetite
  • stress
  • fatigue
  • diminished or unstable mood
  • Chronic stress and depression

Bruce Banner also has the potential to treat symptoms of chronic pain and inflammation.

BEST USED: ALL DAY WITH APPROPRIATE DOSAGE; Bruce Banner can be a very functionally creative and focus enhancing daytime flower in small doses. However, in higher doses Bruce Banner can impart a spacey-sedation that is more immobilizing than sedating, but can encourage sleep.





  •  Fuel- generic Petro -chemical odor
  • Woody- soil peat moss like aroma
  • Herbaceous Lemon
  • After breaking up
  • Chewable vitamin aroma
  • Pine
  • Sour smell

INHALE-Afghani hash based, Slightly woody


EXHALE-Somewhat harsh exhale which can illicit some serious coughing but you’ll all be all the better for it as Oro Blanco’s Caryophyllene as it washes over the physical form with calming warming sensation heralding the cerebral stimulation which is soon to follow.


Nature’s Heritage does a great job at not making the jar seem excessive, preserving of flower, and with a natural, simple, and elegant branding aesthetic. At least it’s opaque right? Anyway as usual I dig it and the testing label is easy to read and doesn’t disappear at the slightest touch like some other flower houses…Rythm ahem …Verano.
Anyway, always, a pleasure.


AlphaPinene: 0.34% | BetaMyrcene: 1.03% | BetaPinene: 0.21% | CBCA: 0.24% | CBGA: 0.41% | CBNA: 0.13% | Humulene: 0.03% | Limonene: 0.37% | Linalool: 0.09% | THC: 19.19% | THCVA: 0.16%

1. Beta-Myrcene 1.03%
2. Limonene: 0.37%
3. Alpha-Pinene: 0.34%
4. BetaPinene: 0.21%

Raspberry Do-Si-Do is a blend of the crowd-favored Dos-Si-Do (Girl Scout Cookies x Face Off OG) X Pink Champagne, a cerebrally energized blend of Cherry Pie x Grandaddy Purple.
The unique aromatic bouquet presented by this pairing presents a strangely attractive aroma holding notes of wine cork, garlic, lemon, and a generic petrochemical-ish fuel odor evoking reminders of its Durban and Afghani-Kush genetics.
This mashup of the deeply sedative and the intensely cerebral can feel boundless with every successive toke. a very high altitude head and body buzz that can provide seemingly boundless levels of euphoria while still delivering mental clarity. and physical serenity balanced and functional levels of elevated clarity and focus and deeply serene physical relaxation


There is a lot to unpack with this one considering its lineage with its many contributions from African Landraces (Durban Poison) and its Afghan-kush genes (Grandaddy Purple) oh and another dose of Durban Poison (again Grandaddy Purple)…
So if you think you’ll get away without at least a mild wave of cerebral intensity you’ll be quite mistaken. Even at 19% I found myself thankful to be alone after ingesting tokes of this flower. I say this because if in the company of others this mix of Myrcene fueled Pinene jolt can make me a bit overly self aware let’s say.
However, alone, left to my devices- I become a machine of sorts. Potentially at least- and depending on the context.
Raspberry Do-Si-Do was a nice ride into what I would call a mildly cerebrally tilted yet mild roller coaster ride of sorts one with only one big dip in the beginning but thrilling one at that.
I would say you could feel anywhere from aroused to socially stimulated and giggly; …remember, it’s my experience to be a little self aware but for others maybe not- I mean even I would enjoy going out to a movie or anywhere with friends having ingested Raspberry Do-Si-Dos I just wouldn’t necessarily enjoy it if it was my first night working at that movie theater and struggling with a stubborn POS system . So maybe that helps clarify it.

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