Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Lavender Jones Harvest/ Modern Flower

STRAIN: Lavender Jones aka Purple Jones
PRODUCER: Harvest /Modern Flower 
PURCHASED: Ethos Catonsville, formerly Mission Catonsville

MEDIUM: Flower
THCa 23.72%
THC 0.72%
THCVA .13%
CBCA .37%
CBGA .10%

CLASS: Hybrid 
LINEAGE: Purple Urkle X Casey Jones

slanted image of lavender jones bud



  • Cerebrally stimulating/ thought provoking +/++ *
  • Potential to inspire creativity +/++/
  • Can illicit deep introspection +/++**
  • Creates feelings of calm
  • Provides an uplifting, yet overall mellow, euphoria ++ (Limonene)
  • Potential for “Haze-Daze”/ spacey feeling+++
  • Potential to mental focus (high levels of both Alpha and Beta Pinene)***

+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales

NOTE: Those with a tendency to react negatively to highly cerebral and typically Sativa strains with higher levels of Pinene (whether they experience paranoia, negative introspection, or existential dread, anxiety, etc) may want to tread lightly, if not AVOID Lavender Jones completely.

Lavender Jones is cerebrally stimulating but NOT energizing per se – I would like to clarify that difference by stating that Lavender Jones slows the mind down but it deepens in complexity and introspective thought in particular.

So it doesn’t report an energizing euphoria but rather an extreme awareness, not alertness, and a tendency to dive deeper into one thought rather than feel the racing of many thoughts. 
**NOTE : Individuals easily provoked into anxiety should probably avoid this strain since its introspective cerebral activity can lead to recursive negative thoughts.
***NOTE: There are high concentrations of both Alpha and Beta Pinene in this batch, and I believe in LJ in general. This can potentially aggravate the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Also, individuals who wish to suppress long term memory, such as with the case of PTSD should medicate with this strain lightly or not at all. As state above Lavender Jones’ tendency toward deep introspection fueled by its other typical Sativa effects, can lead to negative and recursive thinking in individuals that are prone to anxiety.


  • Sedation/ promotes sleep+++
  • Stimulates appetite +/++
  • light to medium ocular and cranial pressure
  • Similar to many hybrids there is a potential for some haze-daze, drowsiness, dizziness, mental confusion, and sedation in higher doses.*
  • Sedation/ promotes sleep+++

*NOTE: Lavender Jones can raise cerebral awareness but only to a point where the mellow body high seems to take center stage. And although there can be sparks of focus and inspired creativity in general during successive sessions, the overall physical relaxation dominates the experience if used in higher doses.
Also, after successive sessions of Lavender Jones, its ability to calm nerves and relax the muscles can hamper productivity despite intense periodic cerebral activity

+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales

closer shot of lavender jones bud



conically shaped bud of lavender jones in front of modern flower box
Well, there is no doubt, Lavender Jones is an attractive flower. It’s optics alone seem to shout top shelf.

It seems that Purple Urkle mixed with Casey Jones does create a very result.
The buds are mostly elongated and conical and have the appropriate amount of give when pressed. After a few days the buds were less moist and although they did hold their structure amazingly well, I found it easy to break up without a grinder as it could be squeezed to almost a kief-like texture.


  • Sweet- generalized berry aroma
  • Citrus- lemon/ some traces of grapefruit/ papaya
  • Citrus – after some time opened the aroma of fresh oranges was present
  • Herbal- lavender or purple sage-type aroma


  • Sweet-grape or artificial grape flavoring-type taste at times
  • Confection-generic fruit pie crust-type taste with a few exhales that had been inhaled after longer periods of combustion

conically shaped bud of lavender jones

BEST USED: Morning, Noon, Night 
Lavender Jones works well as a day time strain in small to medium doses and can definitely boost productivity to a degree. However, this seems somewhat dependent on one’s frame of mind at the start. With successive sessions, Lavender Jones more physically relaxing effects take center stage and add a layer of contentment to the experience.

So, it really is a strain that can work well anytime of the day depending on levels of ingestion. Lavender Jones offers such an appealing mix of mellow cerebral stimulation and relaxing physical relief along with a fantastic taste and aroma, that you will most likely venture into over-indulgence sooner rather than later.

detail of trichomes of lavender jones bud


Can help mitigate or alleviate. some symptoms associated with or caused by:

  • Muscular tension/stiffness/inflammation
  • ADD/HD (Attention Deficit Disorder)^
  • Anxiety/Depression/ Stress
  • Sleep issues
  • Loss of Appetite


  • Can inspire creativity in individuals with a propensity to be creative
  • Lavender Jones is physically soothing and capable of helping with neck and head pain and is physically calming in general. It also will evoke a high level of cerebral activity, but not necessarily energizing or outward, and seems to promote analytical thinking.  The physical relaxation accompanied by a more mellow cerebral invigoration seems well suited for watching movies, playing board games or video games with a partner. In micro doses, I would say it also can be a good accompaniment for solo activities as well, such as reading.



  1. Beta-Myrcene 1.527%
  2. Alpha-Pinene .472%
  3. Limonene .316%
  4. Beta-Pinene .146%

With a healthy doses of both Alpha and Beta Pinene, Lavender Jones can definitely stir some cerebral activity.  This is the source of the deeper introspective and recursive thinking that seems to transpire with this strain. The level of Limonene is certainly a mood booster, but in higher doses, Lavender Jones should be considered potentially anxiety producing for some. 
However, if that weren’t enough, and showing what wide spectrum of effects that a Hybrid can exhibit, the Myrcene levels are through the roof. This level of Myrcene considered the single most sedative of all the terpenes, can really “slow the roll” of the Casey Jones Sativa side of the equation.

lavender jones bud


Lavender Jones by Harvest’s Modern Flower aka Purple Jones is a Sativa leaning hybrid of Purple Urkle and Casey Jones (named after the Grateful Dead song Casey Jones, which is named after the infamous RR Engineer Casey Jones). Lavender Jones offers users a heady mix of mellow cerebral stimulation, enhancing memory and focus, and body high that is capable of alleviating neck and head pain, increasing appetite, and promoting sleep. Lavender Jones is a well rounded hybrid that can be a fantastic morning and daytime Sativa, as well as a mellow before-bedtime Indica.

I thoroughly enjoyed Lavender Jones. There may seem to be some heavy handed verbiage in the review that suggests its tendency toward the outer limits of introspection which could lead to negative thinking. I personally only experienced a slight amount of this sensation during one session. But, it was definitely not a defining effect for me, since I sometimes enjoy a bit of a jolt from this much pinene. And, after years, I know myself and can usually figure out some way to modulate whatever I am medicating with. This, I know, does not apply to everyone and I feel a responsibility to the readers and the community in general to offer a disclosure and a warning regarding any negative effects that I think may be amplified depending on anyone’s endo-cannibinoid system. In short, if it feels a bit like that for me, I suspect it could potentially be an overwhelming feeling for someone else with a lower tolerance or different make up in general.

lavender jones buds surrounding modern flower terpene and potency label

Lavender Jones in particular seems innocuous in its name, unassuming in its optics, almost fairly common traits for the most part, but these betray a deeper resonance from the terpene profile of this strain. The remarkably high levels of both Pinene and Myrcene in particular come to mind as being responsible for amplifying the intensity of Lavender Jones’ wide spectrum of effects. It seems that, at higher potencies, Lavender Jones could be potentially be difficult for some users to modulate or tame.
And because the previously mentioned spectrum of effect is quite wide: from mood elevation to cerebral introspection to muscle relaxation to appetite stimulation to full on body high sedation, Lavender Jones runs the track.

However, even more interesting it its seemingly unpredictable result, which for me, depending on the day, the task, and the general mood, seemed to take on different shades of sensation and more to the point, in no particular order.
So, that being said, I was even more inclined to post a bit of “beware of falling rocks” sign on this one. I will say that just as many times as I became engrossed in an activity and applied the focus, I was as many times completely without motivation to do much of anything but ponder. Yes, my mind was working on overdrive, but the vehicle seemed to have no where or want to travel.

underside of lavender jones bud

This doesn’t particularly appeal to me personally, since Cannabis, for me at least, beyond my health needs, has always been best enjoyed as something that enhances perception and spurns me to create or engage in some way. Beyond my medical reasons for using Cannabis, my recreational, or daily day to day, and psychological needs for using it do not include being unable to function or be productive in general. So, I wouldn’t personally add Lavender Jones to my list of highly functional and focus enhancing strains. I would more relegate it to spending time when there is mostly nothing to do but be a spectator but one that requires some thought, like watching an intricate plot in a movie for instance.

That being said, I did, at times, find the right amount of Lavender Jones and it seemed that I received the most positive cerebral benefits after medicating with either very small amounts, or after having medicated successively. Whenever it was an in between amount, I found myself in that haze-maze: thinking too much to do anything you are thinking about that you think you should be doing…but you don’t.

detail of trichomes of lavender jones bud

But, even though I’m not a huge fan of the “couch lock”, Lavender Jones’ physical high is seemingly very effective at providing muscle tension relief. I had been experiencing with my regular neck pain for a few days before and after a few sessions with Lavender Jones, this pain diminished substantially until beyond waking the next morning. The next day it returned and I figured I was headed for two days of Migraines, but once again, Lavender Jones seemed to alleviate the pain. So, I would definitely recommend it for muscle pain relief as long as the cerebral exploration is manageable.

I am recently continually impressed by Harvest’s quality whether it be a RollOne product or Modern Flower, or simply their in-house Harvest label. I will definitely keep Lavender Jones on a list of effective pain relieving strains and probably add it lower on the list of cerebrally inspiring simply because its deep mellow relaxation is its best and most accessible quality and at that it can do an amazing job. That level of Myrcene can Slow The Roll of any Pinene express…most likely

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