Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Dosidos #22-22 by Culta

STRAIN: Dosidos #22-22
MEDIUM: Flower
CLASS: Indica dominant Hybrid

  • THCa 26.3%
  • THC 0.6%
  • CBGA 0.5%
  • CBG 0.4%

PURCHASED: Ethos (Mission*) Catonsville Medical Dispensary*
INSTAGRAM: @missioncatonsville

*Formerly Mission Catonsville Medical Dispensary, currently Ethos Catonsville Medical Dispensary

LINEAGE: Face Off OG X  OG Kush Breath aka (OGKB)

“Dosidos offers maybe the smoothest smoke of any Maryland strain. It is a rich smoke who’s flavors of sweet berry and hash will remain on your lips after exhale.”

+mild to medium cerebral uplift
+Improved /heightened focus/ attention to detail
+relieves mental fatigue/stress

+ medium cranial and facial pressure
+physical euphoria (in waves of progressive frequency)
-dry mouth at higher doses
-/+ mild appetite stimulation



  • Anxiety symptom relief
  • Helps alleviate nausea [STANDOUT]
  • Mental /emotional stress relief
  • Could treat symptoms of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
  • Can help alleviate or minimize feelings of accompanying anxiety/panic
  • Helps with symptoms of Depression


  • Focused activities
  • Detailed creative activities
  • Repetitive tasks could be more enjoyable but short lived at higher doses giving way to physical sedation
  • Watching movies/gaming/etc.
  • Meditation / breathing exercises / yoga



Wow is pretty much what I said when I cracked open Culta’s modestly stylish and cost effective plastic canister filled with an 1/8 ounce of Dosidos 22-22.

The sheer density of this strain alone is worth mentioning, let alone the brilliance and variety of colors represented. Blazing orange and amber pistils/stigma/“hairs” frozen in a fight to reach above the green and Purple buds’ surface, beyond the the thick sugary blanket of crystalline trichomes.

Good For Bowls and rolls when properly ground.

* Sweet- berry
* Herbal- garlic/ black pepper
* Chem- sharp industrial cleaner-like
* Artificial- Bazooka bubblegum

* Sweet-artificial grape flavor (combustion /nasal exhale)
* Citrus- lemon
* Chem- (upon exhale)



  1. B-Caryophyllene-.52%
  2. Limonene .36
  3. B-Myrcene .13%


Dosidos #22-22 bud

Dosidos #22-22 is a potent Indica dominant hybrid offspring of OG Kush Breath (OGKB) X Face Off OG with an immediate and uplifted euphoria which develops into one of the most relaxing body highs available.

Dosidos #22-22 by culta bud

THE LONG WAY HOME (my toke…)

Dosidos is an extremely popular strain in Maryland and I now I know why. This particular phenotype, the #22-22 is only one of the phenos offered by Culta. It is, perhaps the most popular by my estimation. And, in accordance with that notion, it has proven to be somewhat elusive and difficult to come by.

So, When I saw it, I had very little regard for its potency and instead looked forward to experiencing it any way that I could.

Dosidos (at least the #22-22 in my opinion) offers maybe the smoothest smoke of any Maryland strain. It is a rich smoke who’s flavors of sweet berry and hash will remain on your lips after exhale.
The high is quite relaxing and it makes itself known almost immediately.
The amount of mood elevation and euphoric sensation in general is top-notch. In my opinion, Culta has gone out of their way and brought all they have to the game with this strain.  

I will be purchasing this strain again from Culta and if it were more consistently obtainable I would want to have it on hand. 


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