Maryland Cannabis Reviews

Bubblegum Diesel Nature’s Heritage

STRAIN: Bubblegum Diesel
MEDIUM: Flower

(THCa 24.1% THC 0.7%)
PRODUCER: Nature’s Heritage
CLASS: Structurally a Sativa/ Indica Hybrid  but very balanced between physical and cerebral effects
PURCHASED: Oceanside Dispensary
LINEAGE: ONCYD (Not to be confused with NYC Sour Diesel A,B, or C: type of Sour Diesel is unspecified) X Bubblegum Chem

ONCYD=Chem 91 x Tres Dawg
Bubblegum Chem= Bubblegum x Tres Dawg 
Both of these strains have a Tres Dawg parent

bud of bubblegum diesel on white background


Immediate and fairly intense flush of cerebral activity/ euphoria
Improved /heightened focus/ attention to detail and very noticeably uplifting/ mood elevating

  • Can inspire/ enhance creativity / creative thinking in creative individuals+/++/+++
  • Motivating +/++/+++

+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales

BODY: A very enjoyably calming physical body-buzz that is more  subordinate to the dominant cerebral effects until a much higher dosage is reached, at which point some appetite stimulation and propensity for sedation, and sleep, are to be expected to a degree, as is the case with most hybrids in general.

  • Light to medium cranial and facial pressure +/++
  • Some minor but lasting physical euphoria ++/+++
  • Potential for dry mouth/ eyes ++/+++

+ micro 1 inhale
++ medium dose 2-3 large inhales
+++successive sessions over hours 6-12 large inhales

bud of bubblegum diesel
Bubblegum Diesel was similar in appearance to most varieties of Sour Diesel with a lighter minty green and orange pistils/stigma/“hairs”


  • Some Fuel and spice on the top and more of a lemon herbal
  • Herbal lemon /lemongrass aroma
  • A generic pungent /prickly citrus-type aroma much like grapefruit
  • Meaty- grilled red meat type aroma attributable most likely to Caryophyllene


  • Musk-generic fuel-gassy-type flavor typical of some Sour Diesel crosses
  • Herbaceous-lemon, lemon pepper-type

bubblefum diesel buds on white background


INHALE:   Almost a cool menthol sensation as diesel and berry sweet taste intermingle
The smoke from Bubblegum Diesel is more fuel than sweet and is somewhat laden with a generic fuel-like taste mixed with a lemon pepper-type herbal taste reminiscent of Yuck Mouth or Motorbreath (or even GMO Cookies sans the garlic-ramp-like notes ) encapsulated by an oily chemical -petrol-type coating detected on the tongue.

terpene profile for bud of bubblegum diesel

1. Limonene 0.59%
2. Beta-Caryophyllene 0.32%
3. Linalool 0.24%

This level of Limonene is more than capable of elevating mood.
Interestingly, Nature’s Heritage’s Bubblegum Diesel and Planet Purple by Culta and have very similar terpene profiles (at least these recent batches). But, I think on the whole their terpene/ cannabinoid profiles are very similar and, in my mind, interchangeable. Therefore, I would feel confident stating that one could be substituted for the other in a pinch (as I mentioned in my review of Planet Purple here)…In fact they share the same top three terpenes by concentration within their profiles.

At first I thought that my palette had been diluted and I was temporarily losing my ability to differentiate between strains. But, I then I took a closer look and compared their testing labels. I did, indeed, find many similarities between the two.
Check it out!

Bubblegum Diesel:
1. Limonene 0.61%
2. Beta-Caryophyllene 0.41%
3. Linalool 0.24%

Planet Purple

1. Limonene 0.59%
2. Beta-Caryophyllene 0.32%
3. Linalool 0.24%

And their Pinene content is also similar. This reflects both these strains’ ability to stimulate the cerebral and elevate the mood, while lowering potential for anxiety and mental distress, often associated with strains exhibiting more Sativa-like traits.

Bubblegum Diesel
~Alpha-Pinene 0.04%
~Beta-Pinene. 0.06%

Planet Purple
~Alpha-Pinene 0.05%
~Beta-Pinene. 0.07%

The potency of both of these strains is also testing about the same (at least these batches) with Bubblegum Diesel at 24.1% and Planet Purple close begins at 23.89%.
I’d say these two strains, with these numbers, and after sampling them so close in succession, are fairly decent substitutes for one another. And if these standout terpenes are what move the needle for you (as I feel they do for me) one may be able to stand in for the other if only one were available for instance.

I think you can expect a very similar effect overall. Bubblegum Diesel was a bit more cerebral with Planet Purple being a bit weightier (on the sedative side) with .18% Beta-Myrcene whereas Bubblegum Diesel makes less of a physical impact testing at only 0.05% Beta-Myrcene.

bubblegum diesel natures heritage buds by container


Bubble Gum Diesel may help mitigate or temporarily alleviate symptoms associated with some illness/conditions:

  • Anxiety
  • Generalized Stress
  • Nausea
  • Depression or help distract or interrupt cycles or patterns of recursive depressive thoughts


bud of bubblegum diesel on container top

This was purchased as an in-house pre-pack at Oceanside Dispensary
Generic / in-house pre-pack;
Actually quite functional in some aspect, well, one aspect: using the attached lid (ok I guess that counts as an added benefit since I seem to be frequently chasing after runaway lids to flower jars…bowl and lighter…and whatever else in hand…But, seriously, I may be really squeezing lemonade here, but I did use it as a tray a few times, which, at the time, was a great help.

The container is one which is used by Oceanside for their in-house pre-packed flower… at least for these Nature’s Heritage flower, as far as I can tell.

At first I thought I would have a hard time commenting on it…in other words it came with a pretty generic black opaque container which is rectangular.
However, there is something to talk about here and I think that’s “elegance through simplicity and function”.

Although the bottle is not exactly intuitive, it is relatively easy to open. That being said, as plastic flower containers go, it has a better method of opening and closing than most. All that is needed is a gentle squeeze on two opposing corners of the container at the top, which are embossed labeled “PRESS HERE”) in order to pop the top open and access your flower within ….no tendonitis inducing unscrewing or pinching needed… and most other simple containers like this like the Curio flower containers, which offer a slide-out lever inset on the lid. I doubt anyone uses this lever…I know I don’t…I end up just squeezing and popping and sometimes you run the risk of the product leaping out, which has sometimes it has been known to do….
Again, the coolest function of this lid is that of a tray for your flower. This could be really useful depending on your situation. Check it out:
I would say it is a nicer version of the average eighth container/ bottle because it is very easy to put into one’s pocket and just big enough to hold the eighth. And, there’s nothing “extra” here and there doesn’t need to be.

Bubblegum Diesel’s combined physical and cerebral effect can be seen in these macro level images; indicated by the presence of an almost equal amount of cloudy (indicating physical sedation/ euphoria) and clear trichomes heads (indicative of more cerebral highs).

bud of bubblegum diesel on container top

Bubblegum Diesel is the result of breeding the legendarily misunderstood ONCYD Not to be confused with Sour Diesel A, B, or C and as it’s is sometimes called, Original New York Diesel Sour Diesel, which happens to have thrived off the th(A,B,C: type of Sour Diesel has never been recorded or specified) X Bubblegum Chem, a noxiously-sweet and 

ONCYD X Bubblegum Chem, itself a lSour Diesel. Offering a smooth fruity diesel exhale and quick to elevate your mood, Bubblegum Diesel is a great morning strain that supplies an invigorating mental uplift and a calming body buzz,  does not sedate or increase hunger but rather softens the edges of the full throttle head buzz associated with Sour Diesel and tames it to a more , motivating and focus enhancing experience. This is a good choice for those sensitive to more high octane energizing strains but who would like to feel its more cerebrally uplifting effects devoid of any potential for anxiety or mental discomfort.

THE LONG WAY HOME (my toke…)

Bubblegum Diesel was a welcome rendition of Sour Diesel that seemed to tick all the boxes as a perfect get up and go strain.
Interestingly enough the strain that I also reviewed in tandem with this is Culta’s planet purple, which actually has a very similar terpene profile (at least these two batches).
Let us compare:

Planet Purple
1. Limonene .59%
2. Beta-Caryophyllene .32%
3. Linalool 24%

Bubblegum Diesel:
1. Limonene .61%
2. Beta-Caryophyllene .41%
3. Linalool .24%

….And, the correlation and the likelihood of these two being viable substitutes for one another can be further seen below…

Bubblegum Diesel:
Alpha-Pinene 0.04%
Beta-Pinene. 0.06%

Planet Purple:
Alpha-Pinene 0.05%
Beta-Pinene. 0.07%

And their potency is also testing about the same (at least these batches) with Bubblegum Diesel at 24.1% and Planet Purple close begins at 23.89%.
I’d say these two strains, with these numbers, and after sampling them so close in succession, are fairly decent substitutes for one another. And if these standout terpenes are what move the needle for you (as I feel they do for me) one may be able to stand in for the other if only one were available for instance. I think you can expect a very similar effect overall, with Planet Purple being a bit weightier (on the sedative side) with .18% Beta-Myrcene and Bubblegum Diesel making less of a physical impact testing at only 0.05% Beta-Myrcene.
Still as Myrcene also tends to be a modulator of strains both strains have more than ample amounts of Caryophyllene dampening the physical state to a calm relaxation overall.

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